Product information

As a coating in combination with KEMPERDUR AC on KEMPEROL AC Speed waterproofing, for new construction and repairs.

At +23 °C and max. 50 % humidity:  

  • Processing time approx. 20 minutes
  • rainproof after 35 minutes
  • walkable after 35 minutes
  • can be coated further after 60 minutes

Depending on the nature of the substrate in combination with the KEMPERDUR AC filler: 5.2 kg/m2 

Standard colours
pebble grey

Supply sizes

  • 23 kg bag of KEMPERDUR AC filler.


Whatever your project – KEMPEROL also offers you the supplementary material to make it a success.


KEMPERDUR AC Füllstoff Sicherheitsdatenblatt
KEMPERDUR AC Füllstoff Technisches Merkblatt

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