Traffic area systems with OS-8 approval

Our three proven traffic area systems with OS-8 approval are resin-based and robust and offer high resistance to mechanical loads. If you need a rigid, robust coating, OS-8 traffic surfaces are the right choice.

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Traffic area systems with OS-10 approval

With our OS-10 approved systems KEMPERDUR AC Park and KEMPERDUR AC Park+, KEMPEROL offers two different traffic area systems. Parking areas and ramps are securely and reliably protected by our systems, with easy handling thanks to fast-reacting polymethyl methacrylate resins (PMMA).

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Our surface protection systems
at a glance

Surface protection systems for heavy-duty wearing courses

Underground garages and car parks face special challenges. Especially in winter when vehicles bring along water contaminated with de-icing salt – and thus also chlorides. The result: Corrosion of the steel reinforcement and resulting damage to the concrete.

Floors and general areas on parking levels and traffic routes therefore require a tested surface protection system. This is the only way they can withstand oils and fuels and demonstrate high wear resistance.  

Abdichtung auf und unter Gussasphalt

Hohe Tragfähigkeit, sehr gute Verschleißfestigkeit und fugenlose Verlegung sind die Vorzüge von Gussasphalt. Aufgrund ihrer Hitzebeständigkeit können KEMPEROL 2K-PUR, KEMPEROL BR M und KEMPEROL AC Speed auch hier eingesetzt werden.


KEMPERDUR AC safety data sheet
KEMPERDUR AC technical data sheet
KEMPEROL Surface protection systems
KEMPEROL coating systems
KEMPEROL Product range surfacing systems

All quantities and times are approximate and without guarantee. For color specifications, absolute RAL match can not be guaranteed.