KEMPERDUR EP-Finish is the ideal sealant for used areas such as parking decks and ramps. The protective layer is applied on KEMPEROL 2K-PUR Waterproofing scattered with KEMCO Natural Quartz and on KEMPERDUR TC Surfacing. Irrespective of whether it is a new building or a refurbishment.
Product information
Application areas As a sealant on KEMPEROL 2K-PUR Waterproofing scattered with KEMCO Natural Quartz and on KEMPERDUR TC Surfacing for new buildings and refurbishments. For used areas (parking decks, etc.).
Workability time approx. 25 minutes
Rainproof after 24 hours
Can be walked on after 24 hours
Fully cured after 48 hours
Consumption Depending on the nature and condition of the substrate: min. 0.7 kg/m²
Standard colours stone grey as well as custom colours on request
Pack sizes 6 kg container
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All quantities and times are approximate and without guarantee. For color specifications, absolute RAL match can not be guaranteed.