2 0 0 8 W H A T H A S C H A N G E D Because progress drives. In the 2000s, thanks to digitisation, it beca- more international. And finally, a relaunch of me possible to publish THE DUCK four times the corporate design led to a change of the a year. An international English version of THE logo and design. In other words, THE DUCK be- DUCK was launched as well – after all, the came more modern and the layout was adap- KEMPEROL products “Made in Germany” were ted to current trends. Thus, the design beca- well received in the USA, India and China, as me much more “airy” and minimal and, thanks well as in France, Italy and Great Britain. In to digital photography and digital printing, general, the overall focus at that time was obtained a high-value appearance. T H E D U C K O F F E R S A G R E A T O P P O R T U N I T Y T O S E T T H E S T A G E F O R O U R P R O D U C T S A N D T O P R E S E N T I N N O V A T I O N S . Dirk Nicklas, Head of Technology/GWL and supporter of THE DUCK since its foundation 13